
Core Game Engine Review: The Last Soul

Core Game Engine Review: The Last Soul

The second in our series of Core Game Engine Reviews on MMORPGs.  The Last Soul is a fantasy MMORPG where you take quests, fight enemies and purchase equipment. Is it worth playing?  Check out my review!


Hello and welcome!

I’m CyborgPrime from and CyborgPrime Games and in this article, I am going to review The Last Soul, a free game for Core Game Engine.

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Now, let’s get started with this Core Game Engine review!

What Is The Last Soul About?

core game engine review the last soul mmorpg title screen

The Last Soul is a fantasy MMORPG.

Purchase gear, fight enemies, retake the castle!


The Last Soul Controls

core game engine review the last soul instructions

The controls are the standard move and jump controls.

Additional moves are reflected in the action bar at the bottom of the screen.

Your attacks change depending on the type of weapon you have equipped.

core game engine review the last soul combat with a skeleton

Armor pieces and weapons are shown on your avatar when equipped.  Here I am with a helm and some shoulder pads.  I'm armed with the basic sword.

The money and gems you collected are noted at the top of the screen.

The Last Soul Environment

core game engine review the last soul marketplace shops

The developers have clearly spent time decorating the starting areas.

The shops are filled with goodies, the outdoor market is stocked, there are flower planters, and everything looks great and detailed.

The devs paid attention to lighting and dressing up the scenery.

The monsters pursue you, so they have decent enemy AI.


What They Did Right

The scenery looks great.  Care was taken to make the areas look good.

Areas under development are clearly marked "Coming Soon".

The enemy AI works good.


What Could Be Improved

I kept getting my ass handed to me because I was going in the front doors of the castle.

This was getting frustrating, I had no way to heal myself so I kept getting killed.

I was almost about to give up then I realized there were a few other doors I could go check out.

Entering the castle from the left side was best.  The monsters had about the same HP as I did. 

The indoor scenery was well thought out, but the camera kept clipping and being obscured by walls, it was hard to get a good view.

I ended up accidentally in the boss room way before I was ready to handle it and it kicked my ass.

There was no guidance of what to do other than "fight bosses in the castle".

They should have spent less time decorating the scenery and more time developing the actual game content for players.


Is The Last Soul Any Good?

There are some good design elements, such as the indicators that point to various points of interest when you first spawn, and the first Quest-giver right in front of you.

This game is in development and it was updated the day before I wrote this article (1-18-22).

Overall, I liked this game, it has a lot of potential. 

I can't wait to see where the developer goes with this but I wish there was more interaction with the game and more players.


The Last Soul Game Stats

Creator: thesoul_game

Game Type: Fantasy MMORPG

Number Of Players: Up to 5

Total Played: 4,137

Likes: 30

Play Now: Play Core Game Engine: The Last Soul


Your Turn. What Do You Do?

What do you think about The Last Soul?  What did they do good?  What could they improve on?

Tell me about it in the Comments Section.  I'm interested in your review of The Last Soul.


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