
Core Game Engine: What Is The Core Metaverse?

Core Game Engine: What Is The Core Metaverse?

The Core Metaverse- what is it exactly?  No doubt you've heard the term bandied about before, especially if you are a fan of cyberpunk science fiction.  I'll explain the Core Metaverse in this article.


Hello and welcome!

I’m CyborgPrime from and CyborgPrime Games and in this article, we are going to have a look at the Core Game Engine Metaverse.  We'll talk about what the Metaverse is, when it was created, and how Core Games' new Core Metaverse will become the new user-created VR playground of the future.

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Let’s get started learning more about the Core Metaverse!

The Core Metaverse: What Is It?

Core Metaverse What Is The Core Metaverse core world

The Metaverse is a digital VR realm where people can play games, socialize, and do business.

Where Is The Metaverse?

A Metaverse is a virtual 3D place created with other interlinked virtual places to form a giant world that only exists in a computer's memory bank.

New cloud servers are created and destroyed on demand as games are created and deleted by their authors.

The Metaverse doesn't exist in the real world and therefore has no location.

Why Is The Metaverse Important?

The Metaverse is the next generation of social interaction - a virtual reality world where people meet, socialize, play, communicate, and do business.

As VR rigs become less and less expensive, more and more people will be able to enter a realistic, fun, and compelling virtual world as easily as we send a text or make a call.

When Was The Metaverse Created?

The “Metaverse” is currently under development by a variety of developers who are trying to pioneer virtual reality and stake their claim of virtual space.

Before Gibson coined that term, the idea of virtual worlds was already in existence for some time.

MUDs and MOOs (1979)

MUDS MUME multi user middle earth

The original MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) was developed in 1979 at the University of Essex in England.  Users could access a shared virtual space on their computer via dial-up modem or through terminals on college campuses.  These spaces were represented through text description or crude terminal interfaces using letters, numbers, and characters in place of graphics.

Using a combination of online chat, room and location descriptions, in-game objects, and non-player characters, virtual multi-user worlds were created and accessed by more and more players as computer prices came down and became more widely used in society.

TRON (1982)

In the movie, “Tron”, the main character “Flynn” is transferred into a 3D virtual world of living programs and computer-generated metaphors for real-world objects by a maniacal rogue program in a laser physics lab.  He is forced to play computer games first-hand in a type of gladiator-style competition until he figures out how to beam himself back into the real world.

The CyberPunk “Matrix” (1984)

William Gibson coined the term “The Matrix” in 1984 to describe the construct of “cyberspace”; a virtual reality world where people could socialize, work, and play together regardless of physical distance in the real world.

The “Metaverse” (1992)

Neal Stephenson first coined the term "Metaverse" in 1992 in his book, "Snow Crash" to describe a 3D virtual realm that people could access through private or public VR terminals.

Second Life (2003)

The social connections and virtual worlds of MUDs and MOOs eventually evolved into real Metaverses such as Second Life.  In Second Life, users can customize their 3D avatar, purchase virtual land and goods, and even attend concerts and other social gatherings online.

Second Life is the first successful attempt at creating a Metaverse where users can make and spend in-game currency (Linden Dollars) which you can exchange for real-world money.

The Oasis (2011)

In the book Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, "The Oasis" is the worldwide virtual reality realm people go to in order to escape their miserable lives in the real world and play in video game copetitions.

When Did Core Create Its Metaverse?

In early 2021 Manticore Games raised 100 million dollars in funding to continue the development of its user-generated Metaverse platform known as Core.

Core released its metaverse for free on the Epic Games platform in April of 2021.

What Is The Core Metaverse?

The Core Metaverse is a collection of interconnected games made primarily by individuals or small indie studios using the Manticore Games Core Metaverse engine, a game engine built on the technology of the Unreal 3D engine. 

Some people call Core, "The YouTube of video games" because of how easy Core makes it to create great-looking games with little or no game development experience. 

Users can connect to a network of video games to play solo or with friends.  Users can also create games of their own using Core Engine’s built-in frameworks.

If your Core Game becomes popular, you can even earn real money from it using Core’s revenue-sharing program.

Who Develops The Core Metaverse?

Anybody can develop games for Core.  No programming or art skills are required, as there is a VAST amount of Core assets and community-made assets as well.

Developers are individual users, independent developers, hobbyists, and small game development boutiques.

How Many Destinations Are There In The Core Metaverse?

There are over 20,000 Playable games across the Core Metaverse. 

Games span all kinds of genres, from first-person shooters to simulators, dungeon crawls, capture the flag, and more.

How Do You Find Destinations In The Core Metaverse?

core metaverse game browser

There are four main ways to find games you might be interested in playing.

Hub Worlds: Use a hub world like Core World.  Core World has some areas with games grouped by topic.  Topics include new Releases, Popular Games, the games with most players, and so forth.

Core Games Browser: Use the Core Metaverse Browser to find games according to your interests.  The browser is similar to the steam store or Epic store interface, with games grouped by various topics of interest.

Friend Referrals: Ask friends what Metaverse destinations they like to visit and join them in their favorite game.  Take turns sharing games with your friends and playing games they like to play too.

Metaverse Portals: Use connections from one game to another.  Often a publisher will have portal links to their other games or to other producers who make similar games.

If you spend a little time looking around, you are sure to find a game you like and maybe even find some friends to play with.

How do you connect to the Core Metaverse?

You need the Core Client to connect to the Core Metaverse.

You can download it from the Core Games website, but I recommend downloading the Epic Games version because it comes with about $200 in free, in-game swag in the form of special avatars, mounts, and vanity items.

Find out more about how to download the Core Engine here: How To Download The Core Game Engine FREE

See you in the Metaverse!

Your Turn. What Do You Do?

What are your favorite aspects of the Metaverse?  Does it seem like something you can use?

Tell me about it in the Comments Section.  I'm interested in what you think about the Vore Metaverse.


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